Jin Shin Jyutsu®

Through Jin Shin Jyutsu our awareness is awakened to the simple fact that all that is needed for harmony and balance with the universe - physically, emotionally, and spiritually - is within myself. Through this awareness, the feeling of complete peace, serenity, security, the oneness within is evident. No person, situation, or thing can take these away from me.
- Mary Burmeister
What is Energy Medicine?
Jin Shin Jyutsu® is considered a touch-based energy medicine. Other energy medicines include Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Therapeutic Touch, Thai Massage, Hatha Yoga, T’ai Chi, and Qigong.
Energy medicine works from the philosophy that the subtle energy system of the body interconnects all aspects of the body/mind/spirit continuum, and that symptoms of imbalance or disease at any point along this continuum generally have their root cause in blockages or disharmony on the energetic level.
About Jin Shin Jyutsu®
Jin Shin Jyutsu (pronounced Jin Shin Jootsu) facilitates the body’s own healing capacity and promotes deep rest and a sense of well-being.
This ancient Japanese practice, based on harmonizing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies of the body, was researched and developed by Master Jiro Murai in the early 1900’s. He devoted the rest of his life to studying and teaching this gentle and profound healing art. Jin Shin Jyutsu was brought to the United States by one of Jiro Murai’s principle students, Mary Burmeister, who began teaching the practice in the 1960’s. Jin Shin Jyutsu continues to be taught and practiced world-wide.
The application of Jin Shin Jyutsu involves placing the hands on a series of "safety energy locks” located along energy pathways in the body similar to acupuncture meridians. Holding these energy locks in specific sequences can open up the flow of energy along a given pathway bringing balance to body, mind and spirit.
How Can Jin Shin Jyutsu Help Me?
Jin Shin Jyutsu is appropriate for people of all ages and is an effective complement to conventional medical and mental health care. Regular sessions promote relaxation and stress reduction and can improve a wide range of conditions including insomnia, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, digestive issues, respiratory issues, muscle and joint inflammation, fatigue, addictions, allergies, headaches, and more.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is also a gentle and soothing addition to end of life care, as well as a restorative support for caregiver stress.
What Is A Session Like?
Sessions last about an hour during which the client lies fully clothed on a massage table. The practitioner determines a treatment sequence based on listening to the client’s health concerns and listening to the client’s pulses at the wrist. The treatment itself involves the gentle placement of the practitioner’s hands along various energy pathways of the body to harmonize and restore the energy flow. Clients generally find the sessions deeply relaxing, often dozing or falling asleep.
Jin Shin Jyutsu can also be applied to yourself, and at the end of each session I will suggest some simple sequences of hand placements for you to use at home. Daily self-help applications greatly enhance the cumulative positive effects of the modality.
Jin Shin Jyutsu with Somatic Psychotherapy
I also offer a unique approach that is particularly helpful for long-standing emotional and/or physical issues that have not been helped by talk therapy. This approach integrates the gentle touch of JSJ with verbal support in tracking and releasing areas of the body where painful emotions or memories may have been held, blocking healing and vitality.